Setting up CallPilot voice mailbox

  1. Open Mailbox – Press OPEN VM button or press  or FEATURE 981

  2. Change Password – The Default Password is 0000#. You must enter the Default Password the FIRST time you open your Mailbox. Your new password can range from 4-8 digits and cannot begin with 0.

  3. Record Personal Greeting(s) – After opening the mailbox.

    1. Press ADMIN or 8.

    2. Press 1 to change name in company directory. Disregard if name does not need to be changed.

    3. Press GREET or 2

    4. Press RECORD or 1

    5. Press PRIME or 1 to record your Primary Greeting, or Press ALT or 2 to record an Alternate Greeting.  To record Press YES or 1

    6. RECORD GREETING…Press OK or # to end greeting.  Press OK or # to accept your greeting.

    7. Choose Greeting, if a greeting is not chosen, the PRIMARY greeting will play.

  4. Press  to end.