Customers have reported spam emails over the last few days. Double check the email address that the email comes from. Check spelling and punctuation. DO NOT click links. DO NOT open attachments. DO NOT provide personal information. Call us at 1-800-759-2226 anytime you are suspicious of an email or phone call coming from SkyLine/SkyBest.


How to Read Your Bill


  1. Account Number: Please have your account number when calling customer service.

  2. Past Due After: Bill must be paid before the due date to avoid a late fee charge.

  3. Total Due: Current charges plus any remaining prior bill charges.

  4. Amount Enclosed: Please indicate the payment amount included with your remittance.

  5. Remittance Address: Send your payment to this address with your remittance slip for proper credit to your account.

  6. Previous Bill: Prior month bill charges and payments.

  7. Previous Balance: Balance left over from previous month.

  8. Current Charges: Monthly recurring charges for service plus total taxes and sur­charges that have been applied to your bill.

  9. Important Messages

  10. Charge Detail: Detail records of toll calling will be printed on front and back of your bill, if applicable.