How to cancel a current recording

This help topic only applies to customers on the Innovative Platform.

You are on the Innovative Platform if your guide looks like this:

Innovative Platform Guide


  1. Locate the program you would like to cancel using the arrow buttons on your remote.

  2. While on the program channel, click the RECORD button to pull up a menu.

  3. Using the arrow buttons you can choose to: “Keep Recording,” “Stop Recording and Keep,” “Stop Recording, Keep and Protect,” or “Stop Recording and Delete”

    1. “Keep Recording”: Continue recording the program and do not cancel it.

    2. “Stop Recording and Keep”: This will stop recording the program and will save it to your “Current Recordings".

    3. “Stop Recording, Keep and Protect”: This will stop recording the program, save it to your “Current Recordings” and will ensure that it isn’t automatically deleted if you run out of space on your DVR.

    4. “Stop Recording and Delete”: This will immediately stop the recording and prevent it from saving to your DVR.


  1. Click the MENU button on your remote.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to scroll down to “Recordings” and select it using OK.

  3. Click OK again to select “Current”.

  4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll to the current program you would like to stop recording.

  5. Once you have found the program, use the red button to pull up a menu.

  6. Select “Delete this recording” using OK.

  7. Click the EXIT button to return to your program.